strategy and governance

Stéphan Bourcieu
BSB's Director

Our strategy
One of the key differentiators chosen by BSB, in a competitive context marked by the volume strategies undertaken by a significant number of players, is the affirmation by the School of its position as a Grande Ecole characterized by the quality of proximity and support for its students.
To achieve this, BSB is deploying a strategy based on 5 pillars - presented at the end of 2022 as part of the UP 2027 plan:
Already recognized by its students as the business school No. 1 where life is good, BSB also wants to be a model of added value between entering and leaving the School.
The opening of the new campus in Lyon in 2025 reflects BSB's ambition to assert itself as the second business school in Lyon, and illustrates the desire to offer ever more stimulating environments, adapted to contemporary educational needs, focused on harmony and innovation.
Its academic excellence is reflected in its international and sector leadership in wine and spirits management, arts and creative industries management, and experimental and behavioural economics.
Up 2027
Since 2012, BSB has consistently pursued a strategy of upscaling in terms of academic excellence, differentiation and growth. To continue its momentum, BSB is committed to UP 2027, its new strategic plan for 2022 - 2027.
Our governance
BSB is an autonomous private law entity with a capital of 10,348,000 euros, registered under the name ESC Dijon — Bourgogne at the Dijon RCS under the number 823 945 753.
BSB now has the status of an EESC (consular higher education institution). This status guarantees the reinvestment of all of the establishment's profits. It also allows BSB to benefit from official recognition by the State, greater autonomy in the design of its programs, access to funding and solid partnerships with Chambers of Commerce, thus strengthening national and international credibility.
If BSB's ties with its founding members and its shareholders remain strong, it is now managed by a Management board, in charge of the management of the school and a supervisory board whose mission is to constantly monitor the School. To support management, two steering committees have also been set up:International Advisory Board (IAB) and L'Alumni Advisory Board (AAB).
- CCI Côte d’Or
- AGESC (Association de Gestion de l’Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Dijon Bourgogne)
- CCI Métropole de Bourgogne
- Caisse d'Epargne Bourgogne Franche Comté
- Banque Populaire Bourgogne Franche Comté
- Central Hôtel
- Eurogerm
- Sherwood SA
- Stéphan Bourcieu, Président de BSB
- Olivier Léon, Directeur Général de BSB
- Bruno Duchesne, Chairman of Marvin Conseil and Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Pascal Gautheron, in his capacity as President of the CCI Métropole de Bourgogne, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Dr. Ivan Ajdukovic, Professor at BSB, elected, substitute
- Isabelle Andernack, BSB professor, elected, substitute
- Dr. Aurore Bardey, BSB professor, elected, tenured
- Banque Popaire Bourgogne Franche Comté, represented by François De Laportalière, its CEO
- Stéphanie Bompas, Corporate Director, BSB'91
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Savings Bank, represented by Jérôme Ballet, its CEO
- CCI Métropole de Bourgogne, represented by Pascal Leyes, its CEO
- Benoit De Charette de la Contrie, Company Director, Member of the Tenders Committee
- Gérard Desbois, Company manager, BSB'71
- Théo Grandgirard, President of the Students' Federation, student representative
- Patrice Henry, Company manager, BSB'90, member of the AAB)
- Paul Magand, elected to the college of other staff, incumbent
- Denis Regnault (BSB'93 graduate), elected by the CCI Métropole de Bourgogne, member of the Consultative Committee on Markets
- Jens Peter Tondel, Executive Vice President, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
- Prof. Andrew Gaudes, Former Dean, Brock University, Goodman School of Business, Canada
- Prof. Zita Paprika, in charge of accreditations and international relations, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
- Jordi Diaz, Dean, EADA Barcelona, Spain
- Prof. Simon Mercado, Executive Vice President, ESCP Europe, Campus London, United Kingdom
- Prof. Brigitte Chanoine, Rector, ICHEC Brussels Management School, Belgium
- Jacques Bel, former BSB'91, former Global Director of the Faculty and Research, INSEAD
- Stéphane Voyer, former BSB'93, Senior Vice President Christian Dior France
- Prof. Baback Yazdani, Dean, Nottingham Trent University Business School, United Kingdom
- Andrea Gasparri, Former Special Advisor to Dean, President of the IAB, SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy
- Prof. Lamine Boubakar, President, UBFC