photo du learning center de BSB
MSc Data Science & Organizational Behavior Co-Coordinator
Economics and Social Sciences
Disciplinary team:
Decisions and Behaviour
Research axis:
Organisational Tranformation, Behaviors and Decisions


Discover the
's publications.
icône tri année
Lentz, F., Biot Paquerot, G., Bidan, M. Identification de situation de trolling sur les plateformes de live streaming : Proposition d’un dispositif de moissonnage de données sur Twitch . 7th Conference for Information & Communication Technologies for Organization & Society (ICTO) : “Ethical & responsible artificial intelligence for sustainable societies.”, 6-7 juillet 2023, Paris, France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Sutan A. Gassmann X. Max S. Lentz F. Experiments on boards composition: is gender the only problem?. EconomiX Workshop - Social behaviour and discrimination 20 octobre 2022 Nanterre France.
Invited keynote speeches
Biot Paquerot G. Bidan M. Bruzac V. Lentz F. Chaboud M-C. De la visio à l’apéro-conférence ou quand l’adoption sauvage des technologies fragilisent les DSI : exploration des journaux de bord de 5 cadres confinés. 26ème Conférence de l'AIM (online) 9-11 juin 2021 Nice France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. Ghosh C. Guha S. Lentz F. Knowledge in micro-social milieus: The case of microfinance practices among women in India. Journal of the Knowledge Economy 2021 vol. 12 n°1 p. 146-165.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Sutan A. Max S. Lentz F. Gassmann X. Zenou E. Experiments on boards composition French Experimentals TalkS (FETS) (online) 23 mars 2021 France.
Research seminars
Bidan M. Biot-Paquerot G. Chaboud M-C. Lentz F. Inversion du domaine de l'adoption : les technologies latentes. Management & Datascience 2020 vol. 4 n°2.
Papers/digital media in professional journals
Biot Paquerot G. Entezam A.F. Lentz F. Audit dynamique : exploration des nouveaux outils de l’auditeur bases sur l’IA et l’apprentissage approfondie (process mining). In: Bidan M. Godé C. (coord.). Cas en Management des systèmes d'information : Etudes de cas - DSCG 5 Caen: EMS 2020 p. 230-240.
Textbook chapters/educational books
Biot Paquerot G. Entezam A.F. Lentz F. Cas Long Johns (Luçon-Long SA). In: Bidan M. Godé C. (coord.). Cas en management des systèmes d'information : Etudes de cas - DSCG 5 Caen: EMS 2020 p. 204-229.
Textbook chapters/educational books
Lentz F. Biot-Paquerot G. Chaboud M-C. Bidan M. Poster "Les technologies latentes comme facteur facilitateur de l'acceptation des technologies à externalités de réseau : inversion du modèle traditionnel d'adoption" 24ème Conférence de l'Association Information & Management (Nantes 3 au 5 juin 2019) 2019 Nantes France.
Other contributions
Lentz F. Ashta A. Learning from Social Entrepreneur narratives and stories: Educators in India. 5th International Management Conference - Advances in Management through Research Innovation and Technology 17-18 décembre 2019 New Delhi Inde.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Mccarthy R.J. Lentz F. Spiegelman E. Tisserand J-C. Sutan A. Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2018 vol. 1 n°3 p. 321-336.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Verschuere B. Sutan A. Spiegelman E. Lentz F. Tisserand J-C. Registered Replication Report on Mazar Amir and Ariely (2008) . Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2018 vol. 1 n°3 p. 299-317.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Louis A.S. Lentz F. Impact des responsabilités des banques sur l’attitude des clients : une comparaison banques coopératives et banques SA. 17ème CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE GOUVERNANCE 4-5 juin 2018 Nice France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Biot-Paquerot G. Chaboud M-C. Mateu G. Lentz F. Diluted interest: the rationales of lenders and entrepreneur participation decision in crowdfunding campaign for cultural projects. The Performing Arts Through Sustainable Development 8-10 mars 2017 Paris France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Louis A.S. Lentz F. Quels engagements pour le modèle coopératif ?. ITEM 8 7-8 décembre 2017 Dijon France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Sutan A. Max S. Galia F. Lentz F. Zenou E. Selecting Board Members: The Impact of Common Knowledge on Gender Diversity – An Experimental Investigation. Managerial and Decision Economics 2017 vol. 38 n°6 p. 806-821.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta A. Ghosh C. Guha S. Lentz F. Knowledge in micro-social milieus: The case of microfinance practices among women in India. 7th International Conference on Innovative Trends Emerging in Microfinance (ITEM 7) 15-17 mars 2016 Shanghai Chine.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Zenou E. Galia F. Lentz F. Max S. Sutan A. Dépasser le déclaratif et impliquer les étudiants dans la prise de décision. Grand Angle Revue de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles 2016 n°71.
Papers/digital media in professional journals
Ashta A. Ghosh C. Guha S. Lentz F. Knowledge in micro-social milieus: The case of microfinance practices in India Microfinance Sandwich Writers Club Meeting 8 octobre 2015 Dijon France.
Research seminars
Galia F. Lentz F. Sutan A. Max S. Zenou E. Who's Your Next Board Member? An Experimental Investigation of the Impacts of Social Norm on Board Composition. EURAM 15th Conference "Uncertainty is a Great Opportunity" 17-20 juin 2015 Varsovie Pologne.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Zenou E. Sutan A. Galia F. Max S. Lentz F. Opening the Black Box of Board Members' selection process: An Experimental Investigation on the Impact of Social Norm on Gender Diversity. EURAM 15th Conference "Uncertainty is a Great Opportunity" 17-20 juin 2015 Varsovie Pologne.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Alia H. Chaboud M-C. Biot-Paquerot G. Bonescu M. Lentz F. Table ronde : Est-ce que le crowdfunding peut aider les auto-entrepreneurs?. Microfinance Insight Forum- 15 : Comment la microfinance et l'innovation peut-elle aider les auto-entrepreneurs dans les pays développés ? 10 décembre 2015 Dijon France.
Professionnal conferences
Galia F. Lentz F. Max S. Sutan A. Zenou E. Selecting board members: the impact of common knowledge on gender diversity an experimental investigation. 14ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance 1er-2 juin 2015 Québec Canada.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Zenou E. Galia F. Lentz F. Max S. Sutan A. Who's your next board member? The impact of social norms on board diversity:an experimental investigation on boards’ member selection. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 11th Workshop on corporate governance 27-28 octobre 2014 St Gallen Suisse.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Zenou E. Sutan A. Galia F. Max S. Lentz F. Who’s your next board member? an experimental investigation of the impacts of social norms on board composition. 13ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance 19-20 mai 2014 Dijon France.
Papers in Academic Conferences