Faculty Directory

Associate professor &
Département : Economy and Social Sciences
Équipe disciplinaire : Decisions and Behaviors,
Axe(s) de recherche : Decisions and Behaviors, Transformation Organisationnelle, Comportements et Décisions ,
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publications of
Spiegelman, E., Alia-Thorey, H. Collective Intentions of the Social Economy: An Experiment on the Community Currency of the French Basque Country. Rationality and Society, 2024. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2024 |
Spiegelman, E. The evolution of conventions: strategies or preferences?. 14th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), 27 juin-28 juillet 2024, Grenoble, France. | Conférences académiques | 2024 |
Spiegelman, E. Once bitten: memory of recent disappointment affects ambiguity, but not risk, preferences. TIBER Symposium, 25 août 2023, Tilburg, Pays-Bas. | Conférences académiques | 2023 |
Spiegelman, E. Discrimination in the large and the small: Social exclusion diminishes sensitivity to national fines. 11th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), 2-3 septembre 2021, Dijon, France. | Conférences académiques | 2021 |
Leibbrandt, A., Lopez-Perez, R., Spiegelman, E. Reciprocal, but inequality averse as well? Mixed motives for punishment and reward. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2023, vol. 210, p. 91-116. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2023 |
Spiegelman, E., Leibbrandt, A., López-Pérez, R. Reciprocal, but inequality averse as well? Mixed motives for punishment and reward, CREST/LESSAC Workshop en économie expérimentale, 29 septembre 2022, Dijon, France. | Séminaires de recherche | 2022 |
Spiegelman, E. Once bitten, once shy: the memory of recent disappointment affects ambiguity, but not risk preferences in independent lotteries. SEET 2023 Workshop “Southern Europe Experimental Team´s Meeting”, 2-3 février 2023, Valence, Espagne. | Conférences académiques | 2023 |
Spiegelman, E. Chair de la session “Social preferences 2”, 2022, Lyon, France. | Autres contributions | 2022 |
Spiegelman, E. Reciprocal, but inequity averse as well? Mixed motives for punishment and reward. 12th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE 2022), 30 juin-1er juillet 2022, Lyon, France. | Conférences académiques | 2022 |
Spiegelman, E. Would you believe that!? Irrelevant information and equilibrium selection in a cheap talk game . 70ème Congrès annuel de l'AFSE , 14-16 juin 2022, Dijon, France. | Conférences académiques | 2022 |
Spiegelman, E. Chair de la Session C2 - Partner Association Association Française d'Economie Expérimentale (ASFEE-2), 2022, Dijon, France. | Autres contributions | 2022 |
Spiegelman, E. Chair de la Session B2 - Partner Association - Association Française d'Economie Expérimentale (ASFEE-1, 2022, Dijon, France. | Autres contributions | 2022 |
Spiegelman, E. Esteemed colleagues: A model of the effect of open data on selective reporting of scientific results. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, vol. 12, p. 1-11. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2021 |
Spiegelman, E. "Like me", you say? A model and experiment on generating ingroup bias through cheap talk. 11th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), 2-3 septembre 2021, Dijon, France. | Conférences académiques | 2021 |
Sutan, A., Spiegelman, E. Bières gratuites, armes à feu… pourquoi les incitations anglo-saxonnes à la vaccination seraient inefficaces en France. The Conversation, 14 juin 2021,https://theconversation.com/bieres-gratuites-armes-a-feu-pourquoi-les-incitations-anglo-saxonnes-a-la-vaccination-seraient-inefficaces-en-france-162573. | Tribunes de presse | 2021 |
Biot Paquerot, G., Chaboud, M-C., Camus, A., Ashta, A., Hernan Gonzalez, R., Spiegelman, E. Impact of the WISE in France : A critical overview. 15th Organization Studies Workshop, 20-23 mai 2020, Chania, Grèce. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Gassmann, X., Malezieux, A., Spiegelman, E., Tisserand, J-C. Preferences after pan(dem)ics: Time and risk in the shadow of COVID-19. Judgment and Decision Making, 2022, vol. 17, n°4, p. 745-767. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2022 |
Tisserand, J-C., Malezieux, A., Spiegelman, E., Gassmann, X. La Covid-19 a bouleversé notre rapport au risque. The Conversation, 7 mars 2021,https://theconversation.com/la-covid-19-a-bouleverse-notre-rapport-au-risque-156253?fbclid=IwAR2l2BNToBekk_h23i7chBb2wTL58Fl04byLcR_JEGrOEqyHCj-7fQnZjeM. | Tribunes de presse | 2021 |
Spiegelman, E. Once bitten: Memory of recent disappointment increases ambiguity aversion but not risk aversion, French Experimentals TalkS (FETS) (online), 26 janvier 2021, France. | Séminaires de recherche | 2021 |
Sutan, A., Ajdukovic, I., Spiegelman, E. Selfish now, altruistic tomorrow? Inter vs. intragenerational strategies for preserving common pool resources, Séminaire EFEC/BE - Université de Montpellier (online), 21 janvier 2021, Montpellier, France. | Séminaires de recherche | 2021 |
Spiegelman, E. Embracing the dark side: testing socialization of a maximizing mindset. Economic Inquiry, 2021, vol. 59, n°2, p. 740-761. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2021 |
Utkarsh, ., Pandey, A., Ashta, A., Spiegelman, E., Sutan, A. Exploration of financial stress indicators in a developing economy. Strategic Change, 2020, vol. 29, n°3, p. 285-292. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2020 |
Mateu, G., Spiegelman, E. How to avoid errors in work environments: an exploratory investigation of mathematical anxiety. 11th Southern Europe Experimental Team’s Meeting (SEET Workshop 2020), 6-8 février 2020, Naples, Italie. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Sutan, A., Spiegelman, E., Ajdukovic, I. "It's not OK, millenial" : quand les tensions entre les générations nuisent à nos enfants. The Conversation, 9 mars 2020,https://theconversation.com/its-not-ok-millennial-quand-les-tensions-entre-les-generations-nuisent-a-nos-enfants-117301?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1zrmxVIeKjfpjzuRUQHcga-BYIZUUT0XzgXHfu-EeltKN2-_JCLKP_Aqc#Echobox=1583781384. | Tribunes de presse | 2020 |
Alia, H., Spiegelman, E. Convertible local currency and trust: "It's not you, it's me" - A field experiment in the French Basque Country. Local Economy, 2020, vol. 35, n°2, p. 105-120. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2020 |