BSB takes first place in Speak & Act's 2025 Best School Experience ranking

BSB has just been awarded the Best School Experience — Happiness Barometer 2025 label by Speak & Act, in collaboration with Job Teaser, with an overall score of 4.3/5. This remarkable assessment allows the School to be ranked number 1 in the Best School Experience — Happiness Barometer ranking for the first time.
Speak & Act, an employer and school brand platform, labels companies and schools that offer an exceptional experience to their employees, interns, candidates and students, in order to guide students and candidates to the right employer and the right school.
The “Best School Experience - Happiness Barometer” ranking and CSR label distinguishes Students' favorite schools by highlighting those who shine withstudent experience offered to their students. This ranking 100% transparent is based exclusively on student feedback, collected via an anonymous questionnaire guaranteeing an evaluation unbiased and Independent.
In 2024, students in training noted their satisfaction on key criteria: academic excellence, quality of premises, dynamism of associative life, recognition from employers and the strength of the alumni network, etc.
Students' favorite business school
BSB is therefore the preferred business school for students according to this ranking. Some key figures obtained following the certification survey:
- BSB students are 90% satisfied Of academic and international partnerships (university exchange, double degree...) that the institution offers.
- BSB students believe that the premises are adapted to new ways of learning (research, concentration, group work, remote exchanges...) with a satisfaction rate of 90%.
- BSB students believe that their establishment is committed to improving its societal and environmental impact (CSR approach...) with a satisfaction rate of 89%.
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